How Accessible is MARTA?

How Accessible is MARTA?

Disclaimer: We are not accessibility experts and do not use accessible options on MARTA. Surely there are 88299929 details missing from this post.

The Simple Answer

All rail stations have escalators and elevators. Buses are kneeling and/or have ramps. MARTA Mobility is available for those who cannot use fixed-route services. Announcements for next stop and service route are made via automated system or verbally by the driver for those who cannot read the signage.

The More Complicated Answer

MARTA has to be ADA-compliant by law to keep their federal money.

MARTA Mobility is the paratransit service for MARTA. This is a shared ride service for those who cannot use fixed-route services due to disability. See the MARTA Mobility page for how to make accommodations.

All rail stations really do have escalators or elevators, but there are always one or two being repaired. See the service alerts page to know which ones aren't available.

Be aware that we've seen some stations where no elevators or escalators are available at all. When that happens, the alerts page will have suggestions for an alternate route.

We've noticed that the digital signage at stations, on trains, or on buses is functional 95% of the time. The same goes for announcements for route and stop.

The Details

We hope we provided enough information on accessibility options. Like we said, we don't use those services but have noticed them in use nearly every time we've been on MARTA.

If anyone has more insight on these options, please let us know so that we can provide a more-complete answer.

Some Reading


MARTA Accessibility Services

MARTA Mobility Rider's Guide:


MARTA Service Alerts